Today, on the noon of February 15th 2020 at 12.30, Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets faced off Nebraska CornHuskers on their home turf, the Mewborn Field, whom had just devastatingly beaten Boston College on the very same grounds two hours earlier, hence, Jackets buckled up what is expected to be a very strong challenge for them. What is yet to come, however, was a surprise for the Jackets, but a quite welcome one.
In the first inning, Yellow Jackets started unbelievably strong with completing three successive runs and setting the score 3-0 early on. The second and third inning was where both teams traded one run each and hence the score was 4-1. There was still hope for Cornhuskers but it was soon to be gone as at the start of the fourth inning, Jackets hit an Out of Play ball where two players already on the field ran back to home, setting the score to a 6-1, where the Jackets seemed to be set for Victory.
In the final three innings, Jackets saw only one more run, while Huskers failed, and game ended with a 7-1 victory and Jackets will be set to face Iowa at 6.00 pm at tonight.